Tommy (Long-Chen) Li

Hi there! I'm Tommy

I’m a graduate from The University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. I’m an incoming student to the MHS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.


Chin YPH, Hou ZY, Lee MY, Chu HM, Wang HH, Lin YT, Gittin A, Chien SC, Nguyen PA, Li LC, Chang TH, Li YCJ. A patientoriented, general-practitioner-level, deep-learning-based cutaneous pigmented lesion risk classifier on a smartphone. Br J Dermatol. 2020 Jun;182(6):1498-1500. doi: 10.1111/bjd.18859. Epub 2020 Feb 3. PMID: 31907926.


Featured Initiatives


MUBES x MBSI Networking Night

I am proud to have founded this networking night, which, in partnership with the Biomedical Engineering Student Society, has rapidly become a cornerstone event in bridging the gap between students and industry leaders.

This Year (2023) We facilitated a vibrant space where 100 students connected with 50 industry guests from 17 leading companies, including giants such as Thermo Fisher, EY, Seer Medical, and Navi Medical.

Inaugural Year (2022): we welcomed 80 students and 30 industry professionals, it fills me with immense pride to witness the steady growth in both participation and opportunities.

MBSI Vinuri De Silva Biodesign Competition

I co-founded the MBSI Biodesign Competition, based on the Stanford Biodesign innovation process, gathering multidisciplinary student teams for a 10-week sprint.

Our Distinct Advantage: Five Expert-Led Workshops hosted by MedTech start up founders and industry experts in biomedical engineering. Four Industry Seminars hosted by leading companies in medical innovation. Including Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick - Intellectual Property law firm , MedTech Actuator – Asia Pacific's MedTech Catalyst.

Impact: Six Startup Projects have spun out of the competition.


Talks & Recognitions


EY Oceania Tax Consulting Challenge - Regional Finalist

EY employs over 65,000 tax professionals in over 152 countries.

In a rapidly changing business and tax environment, our tax professionals combine agility, diverse thought, tax technical depth and the power of technology and analytics to provide exceptional client service.

The theme of the competition is Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG).

Melbourne Knowledge Week Engineering Ideation - Most Sustainable Solution

Engineers Australia is the largest and most diverse body of engineers in Australia. As Australia’s principal engineering association, we serve and represent around 100,000 professionals at every level, across all fields of practice. We are committed to advancing engineering and the professional development of our members.

The theme of the hackathon this year is ‘Building inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable communities in our city’.

KPMG Ideation Challenge - Australia National Winner

Create an advanced technology solution that helps an organization or industry of your choice overcome or leverage the impacts of the global pandemic.

COVID-19 has been a catalyst for change (both positive and negative) in all types of. Imagine you are part of a group of innovators looking to help the world grow from this experience. This is your chance to pitch your idea to a venture capitalist in the hope of obtaining funding to take your idea to market.

Participating Countries in KIC 2021:

Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, China, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, South Korea, Turkey, UK, USA, Venezuela, Vietnam

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Sixteenth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability - Emerging Scholar Award, Speaker

Much of the sustainability literature focuses on the Global North and on issues salient to policy makers in developed countries, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and ozone depletion. By contrast, comparatively little is written on environmental issues in the Global South, which is rich in sustainability experiences and lessons learned in natural resource conservation, and where many of the challenges are being faced on a daily basis with limited financial and human capital resources.

MIT COVID-19 Challenge - Latin America vs. COVID-19 Virtual Hackathon - Mentor

Epidemics have a devastating impact on health outcomes beyond the virus itself. Fearing infection, people avoid entering the health system and accessing care even for routine needs. Additionally, health systems in the region are highly fragmented and inequalities permeate private and public health. 

How can we ensure that we maintain ongoing access to safe spaces for health services, including maternal care, childbirth, and routine immunization, amongst others services? What alternative health care delivery models could we harness to eliminate gaps in care intensified (or brought about) by the current crisis? Although telehealth is a good large-scale example, what other models could work? How can we use technologies to deliver care and tackle down inequalities?

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MIT Hacking Medicine - DC Grand Hack - Mentor

MIT Hacking Medicine is a group founded at MIT in 2011, comprising of MIT students and community members, aimed at energizing the healthcare community and accelerating medical innovation. We accomplish this by carrying out health hackathons, design thinking workshops, and networking gatherings to teach healthcare entrepreneurship. The group has organized to date more than 150 events across 15 countries and 5 continents. Over 45 companies have been created, raising over $175M in venture funding.

16th National Innovation Award - Clinical Innovation Prize

The National Innovation Award is the highest index award for Taiwanese R & D achievements in the field of biomedicine and health. It has now been processed for the 16th session. Awards are given by the team of innovative technology and innovative products.

DermAI received the Clinical Innovation Prize for our first smartphone application: MoleMe. MoleMe provides a free risk screening service for skin moles.


TMUxMIT Hackathon Hackathon on Health IoT (HiOT) - Mentor

The TMU-MIT (Sana) Hackathon is an intensive 3-day program to promote accelerated proficiency in global health informatics, to leverage international engineering resources, and to build mHealth capacity. The program is designed to introduce computer science and electrical engineering majors to mobile health technologies, while also exposing them to clinical perspectives to help them effectively design and implement mobile health solutions.

Global Student Innovation Challenge-Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology - Best Presentation Award

The Global Student Innovation Challenge (gSIC) is an annual event held at each International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology (i-CREATe). It provides a platform to encourage students from all over the world to compete one in developing creative and innovative devices or solutions to improve the quality of living of the elderly and people with disability. It showcases the talents and abilities of these students while providing an opportunity to work with clients and clinicians to develop these innovative ideas. It also facilitates cooperation and networking among the students and gives them an opportunity to listen to speakers from across the world and region.


Eleventh International Conference on Climate Change - Innovation Showcase Speaker

Founded in 2009, the International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts & Responses aims to create an interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of climate change, its causes, its eco-systemic impacts, and its human impacts. The conference also explores technological, policy, strategic, and social responses to climate change.

The International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts & Responses is built upon four key features: Internationalism, Interdisciplinarity, Inclusiveness, and Interaction. Conference delegates include leaders in the field as well as emerging scholars, who travel to the conference from all corners of the globe and represent a broad range of disciplines and perspectives. A variety of presentation options and session types offer delegates multiple opportunities to engage, to discuss key issues in the field, and to build relationships with scholars from other cultures and disciplines.

Sense of AI Issue Hackathon - Team Leader

At present, the population of people over 50 years old is nearly 10 million. In the next decade, the aging situation will only be more dramatic. Under the proportion of extremely aging population, the Taiwanese labor force will not be able to take care of the elderly in Taiwan.

Nowadays, the emergence of artificial intelligence can help humans make more accurate judgments based on past data, such as the preliminary classification of medical images, the location of lesions, etc. In short, as long as it is something that human vision can judge, AI can help us.
